- While we recommend that you use a professional to prepare your tax return, we realize that some will still wish to file on line themselves in order to save some money.
- For those who wish to do that, we have provided a link for very low cost online filing of tax returns at the bottom of this page. While we have researched this company as thoroughly as possible, Heritage Income Tax Service, Inc. can make NO guarantees about the company, the product or the service. They do, however, have their own guarantees.
- Before you click on that link, we urge you to learn more about the dangers of “do it yourself” tax preparation and learn some tips for online filing by cllicking on this line.
- After reading the information on that page, it will return you to this page so that you can link to the company below.
- The linked company provides any guarantees related to the online filing process. Upon clicking on the link below, I understand that I will leave the Heritage Income Tax, Inc. website and will be redirected to another company’s website.
- Any fees that you may incur will be paid directly to the linked company and NOT to Heritage Income Tax Service, Inc.
- Since this is a service of another company, Heritage Income Tax Service, Inc. provides NO service, NO follow-up, NO counsel, and NO advice related to taxes prepared through the online filing process. If you should need these items, Heritage Income Tax Service, Inc. will make them available for a separate and additional consulting fee.
- PRICING: Flat fee of $29.95 even includes your state tax return. Pricing shouldn’t be frustrating, complicated or unclear. You shouldn’t have to spend so much time trying to find the best price when you could be using that time to get your taxes done! There is one flat-rate price of $29.95 for everyone.